How Do Schools Affect the Lives of Children?

Schools may only seem like a place to you. On the contrary, it isn’t because it is where children grow up to be responsible, where they make friends, where they learn new things, and where they spend most of their hours every year. A school may just be a school, but they have a myriad of benefits for children. Here are some of them:
- Schools mold them to be good citizens
Children will grow up to be respectable and honest to elders, to love other people, and to deal with responsibilities. Additionally, the school also molds the children to be good citizens. It’s done in a good way wherein children won’t hold a grudge against people. - Schools improve their skills and abilities
Schools bring out the best in them. Children will be able to improve their social skills through social interaction and discover some of their hidden talents. The improvement of their skills and abilities will enable them to choose their passion and what they want in the future. - Schools ready them for future challenges
Schools also help children in solving problems and overcoming challenges by engaging them in different kinds of tasks or projects. Since they’re already familiar with the feeling when they’re stressed and challenged, children wouldn’t be experiencing too much difficulty in performing their tasks in the future. - Schools motivate them to dream high
It is the school’s aim to spread and influence positivity among children. They encourage children to work and strive for the things they want in life. How? By challenging and pushing them to go the extra mile. Through this, children would strive hard to reach the next stage of their lives with success and motivation.
Some children aren’t fortunate enough to be provided by their parents with education, and to send them to schools where they can learn new things. These children are those who belong to unprivileged families who are deprived of their needs. That’s why we, at NSU Development & Cultural Association – North America, are here to serve these children with programs and services that will help them shape their futures.
Our family at NDCA is currently working on a school renovation project for children belonging to unprivileged families in Nigeria and all around the world. You may donate or volunteer with us in our programs at 1-709-424-9565 or visit our website at You can also visit us at 6971 Northern Sheridan Road, Chicago, Illinois 60626-3527.