NDCA Youth

As a charitable nonprofit organization, the NSU Development & Cultural Association (NDCA) believes that the millennials of today are in a strategic position of making a positive influence to the less privileged members of the community and nations. The NDCA Youth carries the banner of NDCA advocacy to their generation as we continue to fight against poverty, lack of education, health needs, and other daily life struggles.

As the NDCA Youth, we aim to empower our fellow young people in responding to the needs of those who are in poverty. We work together in volunteering, donating, and inspiring more youths to see the big opportunities we have in providing a better life and comforting a struggling comrade.

As the future of the world, the NDCA Youth works hand in hand with NDCA in building a stronger community amongst the people we serve, to help them build a brighter future through education and assist them in creating a better world to live in through health aids and more opportunities.