How Dilapidated Schools Endanger the Students

While most schools offer promising facilities for their students, there are also structures that are dilapidated and bring hazards not only to the students, but to the teachers as well. The following are some of the hazards that dilapidated schools can bring:
- Crowded rooms
A crowded room is a hazard in the sense that it limits the ability of the students to learn. When in a crowded room, the teacher will not be able to focus on the development of the children as there are just too many. At the same time, the students will have a hard time focusing on discussions because of discomfort. Such discomfort may be caused by:
- noise from other students
- poor ventilation within the room
- minimal breathing space (when sitting with other classmates)
- and more
- The absence of good facilities
Dilapidated and old schools may not even have good facilities nor educational supplies to help the students learn. They often lack tables and chairs, making it hard for the children to understand their lessons in a comfortable manner.
- Dirty environment
The walls may show cracked paint. The surfaces may be full of dust. These situations can lead to health risks to both the school personnel and the kids. They might acquire various diseases, such as those that affect their lungs. Additionally, they also tend to become dirty all the time due to the environment they are staying at.
- Unstable structures
An old and dilapidated school is most likely unstable too. There may be cracks on the ground or on the walls. The stairs leading to the second floor may be unstable. These areas are safety hazards for everyone. The old structure may collapse unexpectedly which may lead to multiple injuries.
- The need for school renovation
NSU Development & Cultural Association – North America recognizes the role of the school as a place for education and learning. It is a place where students acquire various skills.
We are committed to provide aid and assistance in renovating schools within Nigeria to help our students learn better and learn in comfort. We highly encourage you to support our projects at NDCA. We welcome your inquiries on how you can support us. Please call 1-709-424-9565 for details.