5 Ways You Can Donate to Charity
If you’re thinking about donating to a charitable cause these days, then there are countless of ways for you to do it. From using your credit card, writing a check, to setting up a foundation, you can choose whatever option you feel is more convenient. As for the amount of your donation – well, that’s all up to you for as long as it is heartily given.
The following are five easy ways to make a charitable donation:
- Setting Up a Foundation
Families and individuals who plan to donate a considerable amount to charity usually do so by setting up private or family foundations. If you want to make sure your interests and values match your charitable contributions then this is the best way to do it.
- Use Your Checkbook
Arguably the simplest way of donating to charity is by writing a check. There is no fuss and no bother, all you have to do is write down the amount of your contribution and hand it to the members of the charity organization you’re supporting.
- Monetary Donations aren’t the Only Solution
As far as donations go, money isn’t your only option. An old vehicle, food, and clothing would also make excellent contributions to those who are in need. There are so many things you can give to the less fortunate, all you have to do is take time to research and look for them. Who knows? You may just find them in your own country.
- Your Time is Gold
Your own time is quite possibly one of the most precious donations you can bestow to charity. You can donate all the money and material things in the world but they still wouldn’t come close to when you invest those few precious hours in a day tending to the poor, sick, injured, and less fortunate individuals of our community.
- Take Full Advantage of the Online World
Today’s day and age have made it possible for donors to contribute in the easiest possible way – through the internet. Often called crowdfunding, online donating has made a big difference to countless charity organizations around the world. This is the fastest growing and possibly one of the easiest methods of making charitable donations ever developed.
(NDCA) NSU Development & Cultural Association – North America is here to help you. If you desire to bring hope and happiness to the underprivileged members of global communities such as those in Nigeria, and perhaps, other parts of the world, all you have to do is partner with us today!
NDCA offers a plethora of programs for the poor, sick, and underprivileged which you can lend your support to. Whether you decide to set up a foundation, write a check, or contribute your time, we will be able to help you do so in more ways than one.
Further details about our charity organization are available at our site www.ndcanorthamerica.org. You may also call us for inquiries at 1-709-424-9565.